Perekrestok launch online marketplace for pharmacies and manufactures

Galina Orlova, IRIS CEO, commented the launch of a new project.

“X5 Retail Group announced an idea that is actually not a new for our market – ​​direct deliveries from the manufacturer to pharmacy for subsequent sales to consumers. Of course, such a “straightening” of the supply chain makes the market more transparent and increases consumer confidence”, said Ms. Orlova. According to her, the marketplace will be beneficial to manufacturers and chains in the frames of direct contracts.

 “In this scheme, X5 attracts a partner to deliver online orders to our pharmacies, which we will open in the nearest future in Pyaterochka stores. The shareholders of Medexport- Severnaya Zvezda and Zdravservis decided to support this idea and fill the assortment matrix of such pharmacies exclusively with goods delivered under a direct contract with manufacturers, bypassing other agents,” said Galina Orlova

 “Unfortunately, market conditions and offers sometimes push us to take goods not under a direct contract. We see here additional opportunities for the manufacturer and consumer to receive the goods directly and at more favorable conditions through our pharmacies in X5. If we have our own logistics through Zdravservis and Medexport-Severnaya Zvezda, we can ensure the delivery of goods from manufacturers’ warehouses directly to our pharmacies in Pyaterochka stores. To date, Zdravservis and Medexport- Severnaya Zvezda have more than 150 direct contracts with manufacturers,” explained the head of IRIS.


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